Thursday 1 August 2013

One Last Plea

At death's mercy here I stand,
Ready to be buried in this mortal land,
Can I a soul, deny death itself,
Should I now bid this world farewell.
Upon this world may dwell,
A curse that now I lay,
Because this cruel world never heard my pleas,
Nor did it hear my says.
Therefore to the dawn now,
That I will never see,
I ask thee to stay put,
And just not be.
As the day I saw,
brought me to my end,
To the laws of the Lord,
Now I will comprehend.
Let this journey of mine,
Last a little while,
As I leave this material world,
So fragile.
For something magnificent ,
beyond where a mortal can be seen,
And I will lay there tranquil and serene.